Hello, my intended...
Well, we touched on my problems with videogames
in general some time ago, but since the climate has skewed rather sharply
since then, I figured I'd touch on it once more. Forward any complaints
to the usual mailbox.
Presently, there are three major 'new' systems coming to store shelves
this season. One from Sony, one from Nintendo, and (strangely) one from
MICROSOFT. We'll touch on Sega's being out of the console biz shortly,
be patient. Sony's PS2 has been out for a year now at $299, and despite
Nintendo selling their new box for $199, and Microsoft going for $299,
Sony has stated they have no plans to reduce their price before the end
of the year - if then. That's just GOT to cost them, no bout a doubt it.
Now, before all you PS2 EA's (early adopters) get your knickers in a twist,
let me state flatly that the PS2 STILL doesn't impress me enough to drop
three bills on it. Sure, you'll have Metal Gear Solid 2 and Final Fantasy
X pretty soon, but what else? Thought so. So that's, what, one supposedly
great game every six months on average? How DO you stand the G-Forces from
all that speed? Heh.
Need I remind you that the last system that touted 'quality over quantity'
was the currently in the bargain bin N64? But at least Nintendo wasn't
audacious enough to charge a person $45 for a FIREWORKS SIMULATOR as a
LAUNCH TITLE. Don't get me started on it also being a DVD player, because
the list is growing RAPIDLY of the movie DVDs that will NOT play on it.
Not that I'm crying about not being able to see the likes of 'Gone in Sixty
Seconds', mind, but I'd rather make those decisions at the videostore than
after I bring the title in question HOME. Same thing with it's touted 'backwards
compatibility' with PSone games. Except for like, ten percent of them -
and they have no way of knowing WHICH ten percent except as reported by
the miserable folks that got hosed buying games they couldn't PLAY. Sony's
response? 'Shit happens'. Ah, so THAT'S how you treat customers in the
New Millenium... Yes, I see it all so CLEARLY now... Guess it beats doing
it the HARD way. Heh.
Don't get me wrong, though... I have a Playstation (I refuse to call
it a PSone because it isn't) if I want to play Playstation games - though
except for Fire Pro G I usually don't, and with a better version
on the Dreamcast, my PSX is collecting D.U.S.T.. Actually, there's two
Playstations in the house - and three DVD players counting the one on my
laptop that I can output to my TV. Now if I didn't already have all that
stuff, I suppose them being 'features' of the PS2 would be stronger selling
points for me (as in being a distraction from how poor the initial wave
of games were). Oh well. Hopefully they got the crap out of their system
and may yet find some way to convince me I should buy one... It can happen
- just not for three Cs, savvy?
Not that I blame them for not posting a list of 'unsupported' games,
mind you, since it kinda suggests that they can't even emulate their OWN
hardware -ON- their own hardware. Perhaps they should stop suing Bleem
and just hire them? Too much like a good idea, I guess.
That seems a near enough marker to segue into my Sega asides. Bar none,
Sega is my favorite game-maker. Why? Because they know that the glam and
glitter of how many mega-texels you have in a lens-flare means DICK when
the game isn't any FUN. Lately, I hate to admit, it's a bit tougher to
be a Sega booster, considering the FIASCO I've gone through with SegaNet.
Free to play when you have your own ISP, $19.95 a month if you want a Sega
E-Mail addy. I chose the latter because they'd throw in a keyboard and
a rebate; both of which I have YET to receive. Then they go and release
Phantasy Star Online (PSO), and shit hits the fan. People are online ALL
the time, and when that happens you can't let OTHER people on; other people
who quickly tire of busy signals and go somewhere else. Just ask AOL. Now
that that's settled, they release PSO v2, BUT you have to pay $15 every
three months to play it online. Okay, that's still cheaper than Everquest,
you figure, so you go for it... Oops. Now you have to pay $10 a month to
use SegaNet PLUS the $60 a year for the best game on it? Uh oh, Chongo.
How long before SegaNet starts charging PER GAME? If you play alot of
games online, you know as well as I do that it can get pretty damn expensive.
And what sort of games are we talking about? Quake 3? I can play that online
with my PC (at DSL speed) on Gamespy for FREE. Bomberman? I can boot up
any number of my emulators with TCP/IP and play that in at least twenty
different formats for FREE, too. Chu Chu ROCKET? What? SegaSwirl? Huh?
At 56k? Don't even get me STARTED on the experience of trying to play SPORTS
games over the phoneline... Might as well be playing freeze-tag with all
the network bogdown. Bah.
Not to seem like I want something for nothing, folks, but if you make
a game that can't be fully enjoyed without being online, then you
shouldn't charge as much as you would for a game than CAN be enjoyed
without being online. Many games that are fun alone become AWESOME when
you throw other folks into the mix - even if most of them are filthy cheats.
By that token, no matter HOW much fun a game is touted to be online, if
you want to tell me I can't play it at ALL without tying up my phone line,
I can't play it at all, PERIOD. This is why Everquest and Ultima Onlines
have never seen a DIME of Bobo's dough, and why they never WILL. Conversely,
Blizzard gets a PILE of my business. Why? Because I can play Warcraft whenever
I fuckin' WANT to, and taking it online is both OPTIONAL and FREE.
Bottom line, folks, is that it's just good business sense to offer a bonus
to your loyal customers for BEING loyal, since that means they STAY loyal
- and as long as they're happily playing YOUR game, they're not buying
and thus not playing someone ELSE'S. It also makes them all the more eager
to pick up the next installment of YOUR game. I've bought Diablo II AND
the Expansion Pack THREE TIMES so I can play it over my home network as
WELL as online and alone. Fun + Choice = Market Share = Profit.
Keeping game servers up is expensive, I'm sure, but not as expensive
as broadcast advertising on 150 some-odd channels. Not even close.
Have you ever seen a commercial for Starcraft on TV? Me neither. Why? Because
good word of mouth beats a thirty second spot during the Super Bowl any
day of the week, and twice on Sundays. Sega USED to know that... Sigh.
That's why they went under, folks... If you try to do it ALL, you end up
with nothing except tired. Sega didn't have the other
devices to fall back on for profit until the Dreamcast got entrenched like
Sony did. Sega didn't have the resources to plug away on TV about how good
their games were AND run a free game server. Blizzard just picked one and
let the games (and happy users) speak instead. Electronic Arts picks one,
also, but they're starting to see the wisdom of Blizzard's tact and are
moving some of their franchises (such as Need for Speed) online and producing
a few less Madden 2xxx commericials.
Now we're getting into the meat of the meal... First, let's look at
the Gamecube from the fine folks at Nintendo... Personally, I already bought
the Gameboy Advance in that weirdo off-purple, and after six months I still
hate it (though it beat the shit out of the translucent fushcia). Will
it stop me from buying the Gamecube? No, that would be shallow. What stops
me is the THREE games they have as launch titles, and that I have to buy
TWO of them before Toys R Us will even let me buy the damn thing AT ALL.
I'm glad that Mario isn't among the launch, mind, but Luigi is a plumber
too according to canon, and now I have to believe he's a GHOSTBUSTER on
the SIDE? Remember what I said about eye-candy on top of crap? Still holds.
Now, I'm not saying that these scant offerings are crap, heavens, no. I
haven't played them. However, that the offerings ARE so scant IS INDEED
crap-tacular. Need I remind anyone that historically speaking, any system
that doesn't offer a WIDE variety of good games ALWAYS fails - one
more reason I still haven't plunked down on the PS2. Neo-Geo? Fighting
games out the wazoo. Dippin' dot else. FAILED. Nintendo's own N64? Sure,
they had some variety.... Pokemon, Mario, or Crap - sometimes you could
even get Crap in Pokemon or Mario flavors... Look what a stellar success
IT was... Now ask yourself whether you think Nintendo looked? Me
Then we have the machine that looks like the one to beat: Microsoft's
X-Box. I don't say that lightly, let me tell you. Microsoft's never done
something like this before? Granted. Microsoft will probably take a major
bath in red ink for at least two years? Possibly. Since we're on history
type lessons already, let me remind you that people said the same damn
things about Sony when it introduced the Playstation. Who's laughing now?
And it's not like MS doesn't have ANY experience at gameboxes, people.
Windows Compact Edition - coincidentally and ironically shortened to spell
WinCE - was the OS for the Dreamcast, and you can bet MS learned
SOMETHING from partnering with a hardware maker. You know what it was?
The same thing Sony learned after Nintendo decided the SNES didn't
need a CD-ROM, after all. To wit: If you want to do it, do it YOURSELF.
Unlike Sega, though, Microsoft has the hardcore cabbage to throw behind
the system to make sure people not only know what it is, but that they
WANT it. And unlike Sony, they're making sure there's enough to go around
without paying a 500% markup to some scumbag on EBay so your kids don't
think you suck.
Does Microsoft have experience at producing games? Yes. YEARS of it.
More years, I might add, than Sony does NOW, and they had that much when
Sony STARTED. And when you consider that the X-Box is essentially a single-purpose
PC, with the same DirectX programming that EVERY development house out
there knows forward and backward? Could we see 'ports' of games like Deus
EX, Everquest, Half-Life, and any other super-popular PC title? Well, when
you consider that all these folks really need to do is move the code to
an X-Box disk, it starts looking like a damn fine day in Toontown, don't
it? For Chrissakes, Microsoft released specs on how to config a PC to BE
an X-Box so everyone could develop for it. Upon considering
they can pare down all the extra drivers they normally have to include
in a PC release to cover whatever jingle-jangle sound and video cards from
1986 you MIGHT try to run it on, and Diablo II running off a single DVD
doesn't seem like such a longshot anymore, now does it? No, clearly not.
Add in that I can connect it to my DSL and home network as easily and
as soon as I plug it in? Add in that I can get extra levels, roster updates,
and online gaming via that DSL? Add in that I can rip my CDs to mp3 on
the X-Box's hard drive and play my own tunes in the game in case I hate
the soundtrack? Add in that this is the first American (albeit Mexican
assembled) console system EVER?
It's beginning to look a lot like X-Box....
Hell, most PC games STILL only run in 640x480, so seeing it on a TV
isn't gonna be that tough... That seems like a pretty deep well to draw
from until the Japanese developers get onboard, right? Right. To top it
off, Sega's moving their franchises squarely behind X-Box. Phantasy Star
Online? Shenmue? Sonic? Virtua Fighter? X-Boxers. Several of them have
been on PC for years, though I would have liked it if they'd done a better
job with Virtua-Fighter I am looking forward to getting the PC version
of PSO to play on my robeast tower.
So it seems after hitting the window on home consoles, Sega's finally
showing that they're in it to win it and are pushing their existing online
gaming network to anyone that'll listen (though I think MS will probably
do that for themselves), such as Sony and Nintendo, who really haven't
any idea where to START getting their machines online, since they're still
not even sure there's any MONEY in it... Duh.
If anything, I can see the X-Box 'killing' PC gaming... A standardized
set of hardware is like RAID, people. Kills bugs dead. Does it seem logical
that most of these development houses will make a version that will run
on the X-Box, and THEN start piddling around with drivers for your three
year old soundcard and gimmicking up some software rendering to compensate
for your crapola onboard video? You don't have to be Sherlock to see that
one ambling over the ridge, kids.
I say bring it on.
You're welcome. See you SOON.